Technologies in Development
- Out of the six emerging technologies discussed in the article that I read about the one that is less likely to happen is the flying car is because all things that must be done to the car to get it to fly and every one would have to get there pilot license to fly the car.
- The one I think will have the biggest impact on society is Autonomous Cars because it can drive by it self so people who don,t know how to drive car use this car.
- Out of the six of them the one which is likely to be the first technology used in auto mobiles is Next-Gen Active Safety Features.
- I think this technology could help keep drivers and their passengers safer because it will find out how stress out the driver is so if you are to stress out for driving.
- My thoughts on this technology is fly cars are it looks cool but I don't think many people would want to use it.I think the benefits and the disadvantages of having an auto mobile that can travel by land and air are a advantage would be if you want to get some where fast you can fly there not drive. a disadvantage is it would take up to much room on the road.
- I stand that I like driving myself so I wouldn't like self driving cars and I wouldn't trust them.
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