Thursday, 29 October 2015

"Assignment #1: Open the Door to Ecuador

1. The Equador makes most of their money off of natural resource extraction.
2. ITC stands for (Information Communication Technology).
3. Two advantages are-increase the domestic ICT labor force by making technological knowledge and innovation available to marginalized segments of the population.
-The training program is based on a global computer literacy curriculum, which is being used by the Ecuadorian government to bridge the digital divide.
4. Infocentros-public spaces that provide computer training and internet access to rural communities. We had them in New Brunswick before.
5. Yachay is important because its the country's first planned city of nearly 17 square miles designed to become a hub for technological research and scientific infrastructure. Located inside the city is Yachay, which is now Ecuador's first research technology institute. 
6. I think its good that their trying to be independent then they will have more control over technology. I think it will work out good for Equador. Yes I think New Brunswick should have one because it can help us keep our land.

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