Thursday, 29 October 2015

Journal #7: Digital Access.

I found it surprising how helpful Ecuador would be to New Brunswick. I found the information on Ecuador hard to locate. Yes because if their trying to use video chat with a family who is working far away you can still talk to them online. Kinda because you don't know who is going to get the information you post online... and i never really though about it. Yes because when you go to get a job they check all of your websites.Younger people post everything about them selves online so anybody could steal it.

Assignment #2: Privacy Please.

Argument #1
No I don't think all of our medial records should be on-line-
  • Because its easier for identity theft.
  • Also because someone could erase it all.
Argument #2
\Yes I thin k voting should be 100% on-line-
  • Because older people cant go to the voting checkpoints to vote.
  • Also because if people are in the hospital hurt its hard for them to get their to vote.
  • Another reason is because some people don't have their license to drive to the voting place.
Argument #3
Yes I think attendance an report cards should be on-line for parents-
  • Because kids might hide all of their report cards form their parents.
  • Also because if kids jig school parents can check on-line and find out.

"Assignment #1: Open the Door to Ecuador

1. The Equador makes most of their money off of natural resource extraction.
2. ITC stands for (Information Communication Technology).
3. Two advantages are-increase the domestic ICT labor force by making technological knowledge and innovation available to marginalized segments of the population.
-The training program is based on a global computer literacy curriculum, which is being used by the Ecuadorian government to bridge the digital divide.
4. Infocentros-public spaces that provide computer training and internet access to rural communities. We had them in New Brunswick before.
5. Yachay is important because its the country's first planned city of nearly 17 square miles designed to become a hub for technological research and scientific infrastructure. Located inside the city is Yachay, which is now Ecuador's first research technology institute. 
6. I think its good that their trying to be independent then they will have more control over technology. I think it will work out good for Equador. Yes I think New Brunswick should have one because it can help us keep our land.

Wednesday, 28 October 2015

Journal Entry #6: Digital Business

  • I found it most surprising that digital shopping could be considered becoming the main focus, because there are still people that still shop in stores. 
  • I found it confusing how Paypal is so trusted because if people can trust that then why not trust the on-line stores.  
  • I've purchased things on-line and all my on-line shopping experiences have been positive.
  • I have never sold anything on-line.
  • Two tips that I think are helpful/important to think of when on-line shopping are:
    1. When buying on-line sometimes prices seem too good to be true so be careful of LARGE SHIPPING COSTS designed by the seller to get the real price through trickery. because people might not know what the shipping cost may be, on top of their order.
    2. When buying using KIJIJI and other on-line service make sure buying is done in a PUBLIC PLACE and never send money via mail or other ways to the seller. because many people use on-line services like KIJIJI, and products on those websites may not always be real, it could be someone just looking for money.

  • I think the biggest issue among young people when it comes to onling shopping and/or selling, is that people don't realize how you have to check where and who you are getting your product from. 

Assignment #2: PayPal

  1. Paypal stores helps you protect your financial information.
  2. Paypal keeps you safe when shopping at all online stores by not sharing your financial information with sellers. 
  3. Paypal makes money through the fees that they charge to a payments recipient.
  4. If a purchase does not go as planned, the customer gets 180 days to raise their concerns so that Paypal can help. 
  5. If I were to start a business I would allow payment using Paypal because if I didn't I could lose the customers who may not want to pay without it.
  6. I would prefer to use Paypal because it keeps your financial information safe. 

Activity 1: Shopping Carts

1. The two biggest reasons that people still shop at stores are:
  • When you are making the purchase in store you have the product right in front of you and there is no waiting for the company to ship it.
  • There are in-store and student discounts that are only available in the store, not on-line. 
2. The two biggest reasons that people shop on-line are:
  • You don't need to go anywhere, you have basically have a whole mall in front of you, and you can shop at any time, wearing anything you want to.
  • A lot of the time, there are better prices and deals, along with on-line rebates and discounts that you can't get in the store. 
3. Whenever I go get something, I would rather go in store experience because I like it better because  you can try on the thing you are getting . I prefer the in store experience because there are factory stores that you can get the same clothes as you might get on-line and in the regular stores, except for better prices.

4. I think that in 2050, a balance will be struck. There will be enough people who,would rather the in store experience, and they will need to keep the stores for consumers like us, but there are also many who prefer the on-line experience and the on-line shopping will need to continue for those shoppers.

5. I believe that this is a smart move by Canada Post because they will get a lot more business from stores and people shipping things from on-line purchases. People are shopping more on-line and while there still are some people sending letters and packages to each other, most business' are from on-line shopping.

6. One way that on-line shopping can make their return process easier is make shipping free for the consumer when they are returning items. 

Journal #5: Digital Wellness

  1. I found most surprising when it comes to issues around Digital Wellness was that people actually text all the time when there driving and think its OK
  2. I found confusing about this unit was that people still text and drive even if they know it is dangerous. 
  3. I think the biggest  issue for young people when it comes to Digital Wellness is that with all the new video games that come out they stay in the house and don't go outside to get fresh air.

Tuesday, 27 October 2015

Assignment #2: The Pledge

  • I pledge to never text and drive 
  • I pledge to not go on my phone at night so i get enough sleep 
  • I pledge to spend less time texting 
  • I pledge to not text at all times 
  • I pledge to limit the amount of time I spend on the phone 

Assignment #1: One Mississippi

  1. seeing these distances in meter sticks make me feel about looking away from the road when driving is it would be dangerous and unsafe so you shouldn't do it.  
  2.  this commercial is effective because when the people look at there phone the car crashes on the TVone reason why it may not change anything is because people still wont listen even after watching that video. 
  3. an invention that can help keep drivers from being distracted and summarize it here is to be able to have you phone to read you messages to you.
  4. The next time I'm in a car with a driver who is speeding or repeatedly distracted I will speak up and attempt to correct the errors of the drive because ill tell him it is very dangerous and it could cause him to crash. 

Monday, 26 October 2015

Journal Entry #4

  • The thing I found most surprising was how we do not know how unprotected the sites we use really are.
  • I found it surprising that the terms and conditions are expected to be taken so seriously, but not many people actually take them serious.
  • I would rate my self 5, because I don't read the teams of service. 
  • Be aware of the terms and agreements.
  •  I think the biggest issue is that we do not realize what can happen on-line and how easy it is for something to happen on-line
  • Assignment #3

    1. Many of the guidelines are similar to how we want people to treat us in person, because people deserve to be treated face to face the same as they get treated on-line.
    2. I don't think many internet users bother reading the Terms of Service/Use agreements. It is just so many long paragraphs filled with minuscule writing, which looks menacing and time consuming. So just hit "I Agree", or "Accept" instead.
    3. No I never made comments on-line like you tube and stuff 
    4. No, I don't really think I would enjoy a course where I'd get to discuss issues on-line with other students because it is easier to explain stuff in person. 

    (Assignment #2

    Five things that will make me choose the right way of doing things in digital security:

      1. I think you should treat people the way you want to be treated, and that goes for on-line too.
      2.  I do not want to go to jail.
      3. I'd like to fix problems rather then cause them.
      4. Harassing someone online is not helping anything, so it is pointless and cruel to do so.
      5. I know a lot of energy, time and money are spent on movies so you should pay for them.

      Friday, 23 October 2015

      Online Standards of Service Use: (Assignment #1)

      Five major companies that use terms and service agreements or have major conditions before use:

      1. Facebook
      2. iTunes 
      3. Twitter 
      4. iTube
      5. snapchat 

      Five services that teens should look into before continuing to sign up for a website:

      1. snapchat
      2. twitter
      3. ask fm
      4. instagram 
      5. tumblr

      Wednesday, 21 October 2015

      Digital Rights and Responsibilities

      • The thing that I found most surprising was how strict some of the rules are and how easy it could be to break them.
      • I think most people do but over half probably do not because teenagers do not realize what they do when they are on line.
      • If I had to pick only one commandment I would choose " thou shall not create a false identity" because acting like your someone else or stealing someone's identity is not okay.

      Digital Rights and Responsibilities

      Tuesday, 20 October 2015

      Digital Communication 2

         When it comes to digital communication, the thing that I find the most surprising is the number of dangers that there is to it's users. Many people communicate digitally with people they haven't met before, and use it as a disguise so they can cyber-bully. According to a video we watched on e-mail etiquette, after receiving an e-mail, you should reply between 24-hours. after 24 hours, you should reply between a week. If you do not reply by then, it is considered rude. Also, you should always sign your e-mail in case someone doesn't recognize your address.

          A Blind Carbon Copy is a copy of an e-mail sent to one or more people that has your e-mail address hidden. This can be useful during business affairs if you have an e-mail that you don't like, is embarrassing, or offensive.

           When communicating digitally, young people should consider how well or if they know someone, as well as what they will be sending. By sending mean or harmful messages, many problems or troubles may occur.

      Monday, 19 October 2015

      Acronyms Attack

      1. LGFARB - lets go for a rip bud

      VJFTW -vote Jim for the win

      WAGB -want a gum bud 

      2 .In a formal setting and at school, court, resume 


      1. The definition of Digital Communication is - any electronic exchange of information. 
      2. In my opinion some advantages of Digital Communication are: 
      •  If you need to get a hold of someone ASAP then Digital Communication can come in handy. 
      •  People have friends and family that live far away, and Digital Communication helps them stay in contact with each other. 
      •  With Digital Communication, information can be stored and retrieved when needed. 
      •  Digital Communication is fast, easy, and convenient for many situations.

      Some Disadvantages are:

      •  People don't interact with one another as much as they should, or used to before Digital 
      •  Communication became such a big part in lives today. 
      •  Not all situations and discussions should not be done using Digital Communication, some stuations are better to be discussed in person, face to face.
      •  People don't think before they send a message, they type it and click send before they even blink, and once a message is sent, you cannot "unsend", which can sometimes be harmful. 
             3. The three most popular of Digital Communication today are texting, calling, and facebook (posting/messaging). I think these three are the most popular because, well almost everyone from the ages 11 and up have a cell phone, and is pretty much always in reach of its owner, and whenever someone wants to give someone a text or call, the phone is right there for them to use. Or if your bored you could just shoot a friend a text, and get a reply within seconds. Facebook is huge all around the world, and people from all over the place use it for Digital Communication.

              4. Some forms of Digital Communication that I don't think will be around much longer, is Blackberry messenger (BBM), because smart phones are taking over, and blackberrys just aren't as popular as they once were. I also don't think that Facebook will always remain as popular as it is now. I think it will soon die down, and people just won't use it as much. Snapchat is another form of digital communication that I think will die down. It is extremely popular right now, but it will soon die down because it is not used for all good purposes, and it almost like another form of texting.

              5. Five scenarios where you should not use Digital Communication:

      • When making a big announcement, for example announcing an engagement. 
      • Breaking up with someone should never happen over text/call, it should always be done face to face.
      • Breaking bad news to someone, for example a death. 
      • You should never be using digital communication during a bad time, for example at a wake or funeral, or a wedding. 
      • You should never use digital communication to announce someone else's news, for example congratulating someone on their engagement by posting on facebook.
      • Telling a big secret should not be done using digital communication, because someone else could see your phone, or the other persons phone. Or they could show someone else what you said. 
              6. All forms of digital communication are dangerous. If used incorrect, they can all be harmful.Some people do not use digital communication in the way it is made for, which is very dangerous and harmful. People do not know how serious something they do over digital communication can be.

              7. I think people will continue to be more and more connected, because technology is only going to improve and become bigger and better.

              8.If a person dies, or becomes to sick or injured to communicate or for any other reason to avoid digital communication, I think that their records of online activity should not be touched. I think it should be left alone, because sometimes friends and family like looking at old pictures or messages between one another, to bring back the good memories of that person.

      Thursday, 15 October 2015

      journal #1

      1. I found it most surprising that people would actually make their pass words. "password'
      2. I found confussing/diffucult to read all of the things that were assigned
      3. Based on the information in this unit, I think my passwords are very sucure becuase i used mulitple words in them.
      4. Based on the information in this unit, I think my passwords are very sucure becuase i used mulitple words in them.

      Monday, 5 October 2015

      will its a river with a monsters in it. my monsters is a black line with teeth the the easiest thing was to get a picture.the hardest thing was to draw it.

      Friday, 2 October 2015

      the scene I picked was hockey rink scene I picked this scene because I like hockey I placed Connor McDavid and bubbles in the picture. No, I have never considered doing a career in this stuff.